Biannual Open day coming up, General Meeting Newsletter Sat. 5 September

Please come to our general meeting, all members are welcome. 9:30 am start. this is the time to have your say.

Everyone! the Biannual Open day is coming up. Please contact the club if you wish to partcipate. we need volunteers and you can also put your name in for a spot for the bootsale.

Please feel free to photocopy and distribute our flyer. For more more information see the current newsletter or call the club. If you ring please leave a clear message, your name, contact phone number and why you are ringing. thank you, Kathy

Open Day Flyer Oct. 2015
Feel free to copy and distribute the flyer!


*sorry for delays with my communications, still battling with my health.K

Author: kathy

Web site manager for Campbelltown Lapidary Club

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