Obituary for Bob Pullan
We have had some very sad news. One of our strongest members Bob Pullan passed away last Thursday from a fall that broke his hip and it was discovered he had severe cancer thoughout his body. He will be laid to rest at Forest Lawn Leppington, NSW near his wife Miriam. He is survived by his son John. Bob, Miriam, and John were all active lapidary member thoughout their lives. Bob especially taught our crew faceting and was the most patient, kindest member our club may ever have. He was in his late 80’s. Please inquire at the club where to send flowers or donations. Bob’s son John has not let me know if he has had any preferences. I believe in live plants for the club or donations to your preferred charity but I sadly apologize at the time I am writing this. I do not know.
The ceremony will be held Friday, Sept 9th. 2pm. Please join us to celebrate his life. North Chapel.
Also, our president Suzi Brandstater has lost her father after a long illness. Suzi and her family are devastated as we expect. Cards may be sent to the club if anyone wishes to give their condolences. thank you
Our AGM has been held and the complete list of e;ected members will be published at a later date. Please keep you eyes peeled.
Current news can be read in the news letter. Rock Grinders GazzetteSeptember16a
Best Wishes and Condolences to Bob’s family and friends. Our condolences to Suzy and her family as well.