Rock Grinders GazzetteFebrurary16
Good Day, Good Day, Good Day!
Happy to see you here. We are starting the new year with a bang. We have the first of our twice a year Open days coming up on Sat March 12. starting at 9am. Tailgating is welcome. Please book in head of time because spaces are scarce. Lot 1 Bensley Road. Macquarie Fields. Please spread the word. Feel free to post our flyer on your notice board.
You can comment here or if you wish we have a new Facebook Page!
Please note Google Maps have made a bit of a mistake. they are directing people to #1 Bensley Rd instead of Lot 1. that takes you to the wrong side of the round about.
We have a Sausage Sizzle for everyone who loves a nice barbecue. Cake and drinks are available all day long. This is where you can buy from our skilled craftsmen and you can tour the club to see how rocks are made into gemstones. You can buy gold, Opals and most of our nations fine gemstones all for a reasonable price. Its a great day!
Club times are from 9am to 1 pm Monday, Wednesday & Saturday. Silver Casting is held on Friday evenings 5pm to 8:30pm. note, Casting is closed in the winter.

Have a look at the newsletter and you will see what else is going on.