Greetngs everyone
The next General Meeting is on Saturday
this is the day you can see what is going on in person and add to our club by telling them what you think.
Everyone is welcome
It starts at 9:30 am sharp.
It’s getting close to Exhibition time and we need your help.
Click here for details of our exhibition!
Hi everyone,
On behalf of Wollondilly Shire Council, Wollondilly Aboriginal Advisory Committee and Tharawal Local Aboriginal Land Council, thank you for your attendance at this years NAIDOC Family Fun Day at Picton Botanic Gardens last Sunday, 1st July.
Your participation helped make the day a success. I hope you all had a good a time and I look forward to seeing you again next year.
Yours Sincerely
Denise Ezzy | Casual Aboriginal Engagement Officer
Wollondilly Shire Council | PO Box 21 Picton NSW 2571 |
Just from me. My back is taking a very long time to get better, thankyou all for your good wishes. I have been in on Mondays off and on but there is no telling when my back is going to get well enough to participate as regular as I have in the past. I will do my best to help if you need me, Sincerely, Kathy