Here is the July Newsletter , thank you Margaret Gazette July 2012
Our Annual Exhibition is just around the corner. We need everyone possible to help out. Some of our oldest and most dedicated volunteers will not be able to help this year so we need you to step up and join us for this weekend. “Many hands make light work” so join us. Will need your help from midday Friday July 21, 2012. Please contact Ron or leave a message on the club’s phone if you can join in. There is always something to do. Thank You for your help in advance!
Please if nothing else distribute the flyer and the bookmark advertising the exhibition everywhere you can. They can be collected at the sign in desk.
One of our oldest and dearest members Jack Sheppard is gravely ill. We wish his family all our love and support. Jack has lived in Casula for more than 30 years and has been a loving dad and grandfather and volunteer for the public school and church. He has been a contributing member for our club teaching adults and children. Good wishes can be sent to the club and will be passed on to him and his family.
Immediately after the exhibition our membership fees will be due. More information is in the newsletter. Also several positions are up for election. Please nominate your favourite! Again more information is in the newsletter. If you wish you can also nominate yourself. We especially need to fill Millie’s and Jack’s positions as duty officers. Please let us know, thank You!