Exhibition coming soon! please see Newsletter for more news about current info

Hi there Lapidary Members. I haven’t had very much luck with my health so if you haven’t seen me here it is for good reason. Best wishes for everyone.
Please don’t forget the Exhibition. plenty to see, buy and lots for the family. Come have a cuppa and a sandwich or cake. We have some of the best opportunities to buy minerals, rocks, handmade jewelry and other goodies in Western Sydney.
Highlights below
Exhibition 14th & 15th
July 2018
We are in the process of preparing for our Exhibition.
 Volunteers are needed to assist on the day.
 A limited number of Display Cases are available for Member’s work (One per member). Please see the Notice Board.
 Member’s stall details.
 All the above are shown on the Whiteboard. Please check there for more details.
 Flyers have been distributed.
Margaret, the Club’s current Event Co-Ordinator, has after many years in this position, decided to step down after the
completion of the July Exhibition. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Margaret for her attention to detail in th is
position and always willing to provide anyone who needed information about the Open Days and Exhibitions with that
Elizabeth and Margaret encourage one or more Club Members to step forward and take over the Event Co-Ordinator role.
Please know that Margaret has offered to assist the new Co-Ordinator whilst they are learning what to do. To assist Margaret
with the Exhibition in July would be extremely advantageous and an excellent opportunity to learn about the position. Please
feel free to ask Margaret for what is involved as Co-Ordinator.

Campbelltown & Districts Lapidary Club Newsletter Catch up

Rock Grinders Gazette-May-2018
Rock Grinders Gazette-June-2018
Rock Grinders Gazette-July-2018 (002)


Lot 1 Bensley Road, Hazlett Oval,
Macquarie Fields, New South Wales, Australia
Get Directions on Google maps

Call (02) 9618 3206 leave Message and your call will be returned asap

EMAIL : ctownlapidaryclub@bigpond.com
WEBSITE: campbelltownlapidary.org.au

***I have to repeat I am sorry for any delays. I have had one heck of a time with my health. Please feel free to email me or the club. a good old fashioned land line call will be nice too. I hope you enjoy the exhibition.

Author: kathy

Web site manager for Campbelltown Lapidary Club